How to Do Pipeline Forensics, DFIR, or Just Find Files Quickly With Recon

Posted on 2022-11-19

A quick introduction to the open-source tool

Recon is an open-source tool built in Rust πŸ¦€, with great performance and ergonomics for finding files.

You might want to:

  • Run some validations or checks in your pipelineβ€Šβ€”β€Šfor example, not producing binary files while building Javascript,
  • Or you might want to run a digital forensics task on a specific host looking for a specific malware.
  • Or, you might want to have a swiss-army knife for locating files using SQL.

Check out the Github repo here.

Key Features

  • Query with SQL over filesβ€Šβ€”β€Šfind files using the full power of SQL queries
  • Find content with digestsβ€Šβ€”β€Šuse SHA256/512, md5, crc32 for duplicates, and other matchers for nontrivial matches to locate artifacts on hosts
  • Find malware or binaries with YARAβ€Šβ€”β€Šuse YARA rules for matching against binary files efficiently
  • Finetune your search runtimeβ€Šβ€”β€Šyou can choose only the processing you need in order to cover more files quickly
  • Build your own scriptsβ€Šβ€”β€Špipe recon results to your own scripts with --xargs
  • Exportβ€Šβ€”β€Šuse --csv or --json, or upload recon.db to your own servers for analysis

Getting Recon

Recon is free and open source. For macOS:

$ brew tap rusty-ferris-club/tap && brew install recon

Otherwise, grab a release from releases and run recon --help:

$ recon --help
SQL over files with security processing and tests

Usage: recon [OPTIONS]

  -c, --config <CONFIG_FILE>  Point to a configuration
  -r, --root <ROOT>           Target folder to scan
  -q, --query <SQL>           Query with SQL
  -f, --file <DB_FILE>        Use a specific DB file (file or :memory: for in memory) [default: recon.db]
  -d, --delete                Clear data: delete existing cache database before running
  -u, --update                Always walk files and update DB before query. Leave off to run query on existing recon.db.
  -a, --all                   Walk all files (dont consider .gitignore)
      --no-progress           Don't display progress bars
  -m, --inmem                 Don't cache index to disk, run in-memory only
      --xargs                 Output as xargs formatted list
      --json                  Output as JSON
      --csv                   Output as CSV
      --no-style              Output as a table with no styles
      --fail-some             Exit code failure if *some* files are found
      --fail-none             Exit code failure if *no* files are found
      --verbose               Show logs
  -h, --help                  Print help information
  -V, --version               Print version information

A better β€˜find’

Do you remember all of the arguments to find? Me neither. Recon simplifies finding files by letting you use SQL:

$ recon -q "select path,mode,uid from files where ext='rs'"
β”‚ path                       β”‚ mode       β”‚ uid β”‚
β”‚ ./xtask/src/        β”‚ -rw-rw-r-- β”‚ 501 β”‚
β”‚ ./recon/tests/ β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚ 501 β”‚
β”‚ ./recon/src/          β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚ 501 β”‚
β”‚ ./recon/src/         β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚ 501 β”‚
β”‚ ./recon/src/bin/   β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚ 501 β”‚
β”‚ ./recon/src/      β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚ 501 β”‚
β”‚ ./recon/src/         β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚ 501 β”‚
β”‚ ./recon/src/        β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚ 501 β”‚
β”‚ ./recon/src/  β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚ 501 β”‚
β”‚ ./recon/src/    β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚ 501 β”‚
β”‚ ./recon/src/    β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚ 501 β”‚
11 of 233 files in 5.565875ms

How about doing something with the results with the usual xargs combo?

$ recon -q "select path from files where ext='rs'" --xargs | xargs echo
./xtask/src/ ./recon/tests/ ./recon/src/ ./recon/src/ ./recon/src/bin/ ./recon/src/ ./recon/src/ ./recon/src/ ./recon/src/ ./recon/src/ ./recon/src/

A powerful forensics tool

Recon can also be useful for security specialists trying to locate vulnerable binaries, or malware, and any other DFIR task at hand.

You can configure processors and matchers in case you need some compute-heavy data to be available for query or matching such as:

Let’s add binary detection. Create a configuration file called config.yaml:

    is_binary: true

Did you know? The common way to detect if a file is binary, is to read a chunk of data from it (usually 1k bytes) and search for any non-text bytes in it. Largely: there’s no built-in OS metadata β€œflag” that indicates if a file is a binary file.

We can use -m to avoid saving any cache to disk.

$ recon -m -c config.yaml -q 'select path,is_binary,mode from files limit 6'
β”‚ path          β”‚ is_binary β”‚ mode       β”‚
β”‚ ./       β”‚ 0         β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚
β”‚ ./      β”‚ 0         β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚
β”‚ ./bin/ β”‚ 0         β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚
β”‚ ./   β”‚ 0         β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚
β”‚ ./      β”‚ 0         β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚
β”‚ ./recon.db    β”‚ 1         β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚
6 files in 145.81675ms

Exploring more

We have fully configured examples to explore and start from ( open a PR to add your own!):

all-processors.yamlβ€”β€ŠTurn on all processors by default

custom-walking.yamlβ€”β€ŠCompute fields only for part of the walked directory tree

file-classes.yamlβ€”β€ŠConfigure and classify your own file classes

find-log4shell.yamlβ€Šβ€”β€ŠAn example for finding the log4shell vulnerability using known digests

using-yara.yamlβ€Šβ€”β€ŠUsing a simple YARA ruleset for matching

Have a use case? want to contribute back? feel free to open a PR